
Experience. Knowledge. Results

Spousal Maintenance / Alimony

Merle Stolar is an Experienced Lawyer to Help With Alimony Issues. Call Today for an initital Consultation (520) 246-5600 or Toll Free: (844) 200-8444

Spousal maintenance, or alimony as it is commonly called, is not mandatory in Arizona. It is usually awarded to help the less financially well-off spouse get back on his or her feet after the marriage is terminated.

Factors To Determine Spousal Maintenance

The court will consider certain factors to determine whether or not one spouse will have to pay alimony and whether the other spouse needs alimony. The amount and duration of alimony that may be paid to the other spouse will be determined by the following factors:

  • The length of the marriage.
  • The difference in income and earning potential between the two spouses.
  • The degree to which one spouse sacrificed his or her own career to support the other.
  • The age of the requesting spouse relevant to his or her ability to find gainful employment.
  • Whether the requesting spouse needs to stay at home to care for the couple’s children.
  • The skills, education and ability to find gainful employment for each spouse.
  • The amount of property and assets assigned to each spouse.
  • The standard of living during the marriage.

Non-Modifiable Spousal Maintenance

The divorcing spouses must agree before the court can order that alimony is non-modifiable as to the amount and duration. If there is no agreement, the spousal maintenance payment may be modified after the divorce is finalized upon a finding by the court of a continuing and substantial change in circumstances.

Examination of Financial Information

At the Law Office of Merle Stolar, P.L.L.C., all of your financial information, needs, and obligations will be examined and considered to establish the legal foundation necessary to prove your case. If necessary, and with your approval, she will consult with financial experts or accountants to uncover hidden assets. If you need to request temporary spousal maintenance while the divorce is pending, Merle will file a motion with the court to request it.

For more information about alimony or spousal maintenance, please call us at (520) 246-5600 or Toll Free: (844) 200-8444.

The Law Office of Merle L. Stolar, P.L.L.C., is located in Tucson, Arizona.

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