
Experience. Knowledge. Results

Divorce & Separation

It is vital to have an attorney who can relate to your unique family law situation. Separation or divorce is not easy, especially when the matter involves children or questions about who will be awarded certain community property and who will be responsible for paying community debts. As an experienced divorce attorney, I am dedicated to my clients, prepare each case thoroughly, and help each client understand all of the legal aspects of their particular family law situation. I will identify and explain the strengths and weaknesses of your case, so that you are able to make informed decisions about each issue as your case progresses through the legal system.

Contact me online to schedule a consultation in Tucson, or call me directly at (520) 246-5600 or Toll Free: (844) 200-8444 I will return your phone call promptly.

How Long Will It Take to Get Divorced? How Expensive Will It Be?

No doubt you may have concerns about how long the divorce process will take or how expensive it will be. I will explain anticipated timelines, legal fees, and expenses. I prefer to settle divorce cases without a court trial. However, when necessary, I will be thoroughly prepared to proceed to trial to protect your rights.

I also handle several other key aspects of divorce, including:

  • Military Divorce — Service Members and their families involved in a divorce have unique needs and goals.
  • Uncontested Divorce — This is a streamlined divorce process when the parties agree to the division of community property and community debt, or if there are minor children, the parties agree to custody, legal decision-making authority, parenting time, and child support. Sometimes an uncontested divorce case arises when one party fails to respond to the Petition for Dissolution of the Marriage. Legal representation is still recommended to ensure that you understand the legal issues and that all of the issues are addressed.
  • Division of Property and Debts — Arizona is a community property state. Assets and debts will be divided according to Arizona community property laws. I will advocate for an equitable resolution of your community property and community debt.

For more information about our Tucson, Arizona, divorce law firm, please call me at (520) 246-5600 or Toll Free: (844) 200-8444.

Legal Separation: What is the Difference Between Legal Separation and Divorce?

Whether for religious reasons or if you are not sure whether or not to file for a divorce, Arizona law provides the option to file for a legal separation. With a legal separation, you remain married, but your property and debt issues will be determined. For more information about legal separation, please call me at (520) 246-5600 or Toll Free: (844) 200-8444.

The Law Office of Merle L. Stolar, P.L.L.C., is located in Tucson, Arizona.

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